Spatial Data Management Services

Spatial data management solutions

Effective data management has become increasingly important in the modern world. We can create a dynamic, single point-of-reference file that aligns all the spatial data for a given project or site. Various data hosting options are available.

Having a dynamic, single point-of-reference file for a project’s spatial data is an important tool allowing site managers and relevant stakeholders to make informed decisions based on all the information available.

At Landair Surveys we offer our clients the service of consolidating all their spatial data into an easily accessible reference file. All data is aligned to a single coordinate system and assigned to various CAD layers for ease of viewing and interrogation.

Clients that have benefited from this service include:

  • Landfill operators,
  • Architects,
  • Construction firms and
  • Quarry managers.

Spatial data management resource

Download a recent feature article that highlights the benefits of a unified Spatial Data Model in the landfill sector – why a unified system of landfill spatial data could help operators save money and time when it comes to decision-making and auditing:

Navigating Through Australia’s Landfill Data (196 KB)

This article originally appeared in Waste Management Review Magazine.

Let’s get started.