Terms & Conditions

The following conditions are the standard terms of engagement of Landsur Pty Ltd as trustee or Landair Surveys trust trading as Landair Surveys ABN 31 313 157 757. Except where agreed in writing, these terms apply to all services undertaken by Landair Surveys. 

1. Validation 

Quotation is valid for 14 days from date on quotation. 

2. Payment Terms 

Invoices will be sent at the completion of Landair Surveys service or where the services extend over more than one month, Landair Surveys shall be entitled to render progress invoices monthly for such services performed. Invoices are to be paid in full 14 days from the date of the invoice. 

3. Cancellation 

Termination or suspension of this contract may be done upon giving Landair Surveys 7 day’s written notice. Landair Surveys reserves the right to recover any losses, damages or expenses as a result of termination. 

4. Intellectual Property 

All documentation in connection with or arising from the service is the property of Landair Surveys. Landair Surveys places copyright on all documentation. 

5. Professional Indemnity 

Landair Surveys is covered by professional indemnity insurance. 

6. Payment Default 

Interest on overdue invoices shall accrue from the date when payment becomes due daily until the date payment is received at a rate of 2% per calendar month. Should recovery action be necessary, the full cost of the recovery action including solicitor’s fees and any credit agencies fees will be invoiced to the client. Landair Surveys may suspend or terminate the supply of goods or services until all outstanding invoices have been paid in full. 

7. Disputes 

In the event that a dispute cannot be mediated between the parties the matter shall be mediated by the Association of Consulting Surveyors Victoria.